The following list provides an overview of some notable intellectual property events that have occurred in the past and have specific importance in this domain.
January | |
January 2, 1879 | Auguste Bartholdi filed a design patent on Statue of Liberty (Design for a statue (USD11023S) |
January 2, 1906 | Willis Carrier receives a US patent for the world’s first air conditioner |
January 3, 1872 | 1st patent list issued by US Patent Office |
January 6, 1857 | Patent for reducing zinc ore granted to Samuel Wetherill, Penn |
January 6, 1931 | Thomas Edison submits his last patent application |
January 6, 1958 | Gen Electric filed a patent on method of synthetically making diamonds |
January 8, 1889 | Dr Herman Hollerith receives 1st US patent for a mechanical tabulating machine |
January 9, 1986 | After losing a patent battle with Polaroid, Kodak must give up its instant camera business. |
January 12, 1970 | Steve T. McQueen filed a design patent on driving seat Bucket seat shell (USD219813S) |
January 13, 1630 | Letters Patent issued to Plymouth Colony |
January 15, 1861 | Steam elevator patented by Elisha Otis, an American industrialist and founder of the Otis Elevator Company, |
January 15, 1991 | Elizabeth II signs letters patent that allows Australia to institute its own Victoria Cross, the first Commonwealth realm to do so |
January 17, 1911 | Nikola Tesla filed a patent on Turbine |
January 18, 1915 | Crescent Tool Company filed a patent on a Wrench (US1133236A) |
January 19, 1825 | Ezra Daggett & nephew Thomas Kensett patent food storage in tin cans |
January 23, 1849 | Patent granted for an envelope-making machine |
January 25, 1799 | 1st US patent for a seeding machine, Eliakim Spooner, Vermont |
February | |
February 1, 1788 | 1st US steamboat patent issued, by Georgia to Briggs & Longstreet |
February 1, 1793 | Patent granted Ralph Hodgson, NY, for oiled silk & linen |
February 1, 1959 | Texas Instruments requests patent of IC (Integrated Circuit) |
February 10, 1863 | 1st US fire extinguisher patent granted to Alanson Crane, Virginia |
February 11, 1922 | Thomas A. Edison filed a patent on Sound recorder |
February 14, 1794 | 1st US textile machinery patent granted, to James Davenport, Phila |
February 16, 1932 | 1st patent for a tree issued to James Markham for a peach tree |
February 17, 1691 | Thomas Neale granted English patent for American postal service |
February 18, 1879 | Sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi is awarded a patent for his design for the Statue of Liberty |
February 20, 1987 | Jamie L. Curtis designed and patented a disposable diaper that included a waterproof pocket that held baby wipes (Infant garment (US4753647A) |
February 20, 2001 | The United States Supreme Court declines to consider an appeal by five major oil companies against Unocal’s patent on production of cleaner “reformulated” gasoline sold in California |
February 27, 1922 | Morgan Garrett A filed a patent on Traffic signal (US1475024 A) |
February 28, 1956 | American engineer Wright Forrester issued a patent for computer core memory |
March | |
March 2, 1929 | Congress creates Court of Customs & Patent Appeals |
March 6, 1646 | Joseph Jenkes, MA, receives 1st colonial machine patent |
March 9, 1822 | Charles Graham of NY granted first US patent for artificial teeth |
March 10, 1849 | Abraham Lincoln applies for a patent (only US president to do so) for a device to lift a boat over shoals and obstructions |
March 11, 1791 | Samuel Mulliken is 1st to obtain more than one US patent |
March 12, 1903 | Robert A Douglass filed a patent on car wiper (Locomotive-cab-window cleaner (US762889 A) |
March 14, 1644 | England grants patent for Providence Plantations (now Rhode Island) |
March 17, 1868 | Postage stamp cancelling machine patent issued |
March 17, 1928 | John Hays Hammond Jr. filed a patent on secret radio communication (US1838762 A) |
March 22, 1960 | 1st patent for lasers granted to Arthur Schawlow & Charles Townes |
March 23, 1903 | Wright brothers obtain airplane patent |
March 25, 1584 | Sir Walter Raleigh renews Humphrey Gilbert’s patent to explore North America |
March 26, 1845 | Patent awarded for adhesive medicated plaster, precursor of Band-Aid |
March 28, 1950 | Emi Ltd filed a patent on Remote control for television camera (US2716152A) |
April | |
April 1, 1826 | Samuel Morey is issued the first U.S. patent for an internal-combustion engine, which he calls a “Gas or Vapour Engine” |
April 3, 1866 | Milton Bradley filed a patent on a Social game |
April 7, 1880 | Alfred Nobel filed a patent on dynamite (US231348A) |
April 10, 1790 | US Patent system forms |
April 23, 1951 | Clarence L. Fender filed a design patent on Electric guitar (Fender guitar (USD164227S) |
April 24, 1833 | Jacob Evert & George Dulty patent 1st soda fountain |
April 25, 1684 | Patent granted for thimble |
April 28, 1977 | The Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure is signed. |
April 28, 2005 | The Patent Law Treaty goes into effect. |
April 29, 1813 | 1st US Rubber patent granted to Jacob F Hummel |
May | |
May 1, 2008 | The London Agreement on translation of European patents, concluded in 2000, enters into force in 14 of the 34 Contracting States to the European Patent Convention. |
May 5, 1809 | Mary Kies is 1st woman issued a US patent (weaving straw) |
May 6, 1851 | Patent on the first artificial ice production machine was filed |
May 6, 1885 | Nikola Tesla filed his first patent for Commutator for Dynamo Electric Machines |
May 8, 1879 | George Selden files for 1st patent for a gasoline-driven automobile |
May 11, 1917 | King George V grants Royal Letters Patent to New Zealand |
May 11, 1928 | Farmer Clyde filed a patent on Fluid compressor (US1754231A) |
May 11, 1951 | American engineer Jay Forrester applies for patent for computer core memory |
May 14, 1878 | Vaseline is granted a patent (U.S. Patent 127,568) |
May 17, 1803 | John Hawkins & Richard French patent the Reaping Machine |
May 17, 1934 | Zippo Mfg. Co filed a patent on Pocket lighter (US2032695A) |
May 19, 1891 | William Paixter filed a patent on Bottle-sealing device |
May 20, 1873 | Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis patent the first blue jeans with copper rivets |
May 20, 1875 | Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis patent the first blue jeans with copper rivets |
May 22, 1849 | Abraham Lincoln receives a patent (only US president to do so) for a device to lift a boat over shoals and obstructions |
May 22, 1906 | Wright Brothers patent an aeroplane |
May 25, 1911 | Samuel Adler filed a patent on |
May 26, 1946 | Patent filed in US for H-Bomb |
May 27, 1982 | “Do Black Patent Leather Shoes…” opens at Alvin NYC for 5 performances |
May 29, 1919 | Charles Strite files patent for the pop-up toaster |
May 30, 1933 | Patent on invisible glass installation |
May 30, 1982 | “Do Black Patent Leather Shoes…” closes at Alvin NYC after 5 perf |
May 31, 1895 | John Harvey Kellogg filed for a patent on Flaked cereals (Flaked Cereals and Process of Preparing Same) |
June | |
June 1, 1869 | Thomas Edison granted his first patent for an electric vote machine (U.S. Patent 90,646) |
June 1, 1978 | The first international applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty are filed. |
June 1, 2000 | The Patent Law Treaty (PLT) is signed. |
June 2, 1896 | Guglielmo Marconi applies to patent the radio, accepted 2 July 1897 |
June 4, 1973 | A patent for the ATM is granted to Don Wetzel, Tom Barnes and George Chastain. |
June 6, 1947 | Treaty drawn for establishment of Intl Patent Institute |
June 8, 1887 | Herman Hollerith receives a patent for his punch card calculator. |
June 8, 1891 | Setii Wheeler filed a patent on Toilet-paper roll (US465588A) |
June 10, 1846 | Robert Thomson obtains an English patent on a rubber tyre |
June 10, 1902 | Patent for window envelope granted to H F Callahan |
June 11, 1578 | England grants Sir Humphrey Gilbert a patent to explore & colonize North America |
June 11, 1793 | 1st American stove patent is granted to Robert Haeterick |
June 17, 1837 | Charles Goodyear obtains his 1st rubber patent |
June 19, 1970 | The Patent Cooperation Treaty is signed. |
June 22, 1920 | Strite Charles P filed a patent on Bread-toaster (US1394450A) |
June 26, 1894 | Karl Benz of Germany receives US patent for gasoline-driven auto |
June 29, 1900 | Gen Electric filed a patent on Electric railway (US687098A) |
June 29, 1992 | Michael Jackson filed a patent on Method and means for creating anti-gravity illusion (US5255452A) |
June 30, 1925 | Charles Jenkins is granted the U.S. patent for Transmitting Pictures over Wireless (early television) |
July | |
July 8, 1862 | Theodore R Timby is granted a US patent for discharging guns in a revolving turret, using electricity. |
July 11, 1892 | US Patent Office says J W Swan, rather than Thomas Edison, invented the electric light carbon for the incandescent lamp |
July 13, 1836 | US patent #1 (after 9,957 unnumbered patents), for locomotive wheels |
July 14, 1868 | Alvin J. Fellows filed a patent on Measuring Tape (US79965A) |
July 14, 1914 | 1st patent for liquid-fuelled rocket design granted (Robert Goddard) |
July 14, 1967 | Lifeguard Watch filed a patent on Cardiac pulse-rate monitor (US3473526A) |
July 23, 1888 | John Boyd Dunlop applies to patent pneumatic tire |
July 25, 1854 | Walter Hunt is awarded the first U.S. patent for a paper shirt collar |
July 31, 1790 | 1st US patent granted, to Samuel Hopkins for a potash process. The patent was signed by President George Washington. |
August | |
August 1, 1893 | Henry Perky & William Ford patent shredded wheat |
August 2, 1695 | Daniel Quare receives a British patent for his portable barometer |
August 2, 1791 | Samuel Briggs & his son, patent nail-making machine |
August 8, 1911 | The millionth patent is filed in the United States Patent Office by Francis Holton for a tubeless vehicle tire. |
August 8, 1989 | James Cameron filed a patent on Apparatus for propelling a user in an underwater environment (US4996938A) |
August 10, 1622 | John Mason and Ferdinando Gorges receive a land patent of the Province of Maine. |
August 13, 1979 | Lucasfilm, Ltd. (George W. Lucas) filed a design patent on Star Wars toy (Toy action figure (USD264109S) |
August 14, 1885 | Japan’s first patent is issued to the inventor of a rust-proof paint. |
August 22, 1865 | William Sheppard is issued the first US patent for liquid soap |
August 24, 2012 | A US jury in California finds that Samsung is guilty of patent infringement and awards over US$1 billion in damages to Apple |
August 26, 1791 | John Fitch granted US patent for his working steamboat |
August 27, 1878 | Latham Sholes filed a patent on Type-writing Machines with qwerty keyboard (Improvement in type-writing machines (US207559A) |
August 27, 1913 | Swedish engineer Gideon Sundback of Hoboken applies to patent all-purpose zipper |
August 29, 1664 | Adriaen Pieck/Gerrit de Ferry patent wooden fire spout in Amsterdam |
August 29, 1885 | Gottlieb Daimler receives German patent for a motorcycle |
August 31, 2012 | Apple loses its patent dispute with Samsung in Tokyo, Japan |
September | |
September 4, 1888 | George Eastman patents 1st roll-film camera & registers “Kodak” |
September 7, 1915 | Johnny Gruelle patents his Raggedy Ann doll (US Patent D47789) |
September 10, 1846 | Elias Howe takes out a patent for the sewing machine |
September 12, 1909 | World’s first patent for synthetic rubber granted to German chemist Fritz Hofmann |
September 16, 2011 | America Invents Act (AIA) was passed by Congress and was signed into law by President Barack Obama |
September 19, 1883 | Waterman Li filed a patent on Fountain-pen (US293545A) |
September 20, 2000 | Patent on RSA cryptograph algorithm ends |
September 22, 1903 | Italo Marchiony granted patent for ice cream cone |
October | |
October 2, 1608 | Hans Lippershey applies for patent for first known early telescope in the Netherlands |
October 5, 1973 | Signature of the European Patent Convention. |
October 8, 1945 | Microwave oven patented |
October 10, 1868 | Thomas Edison patents his 1st invention: electric voice machine |
October 11, 1929 | Emanuel Nielsen filed a patent on Hair drier (US1821525A) |
October 14, 1834 | First black to obtain a US patent, Henry Blair, for a corn planter |
October 17, 1888 | Thomas Edison files a patent for the Optical Phonograph (the first movie) |
October 18, 1931 | Thomas Edison, inventor who lit up our life (held 1200 patents), dies at 84 |
October 20, 1781 | Patent of Toleration, providing limited freedom of worship, was approved in Habsburg Monarchy. |
October 21, 1977 | The European Patent Institute is founded. |
October 24, 1836 | Earliest American patent for a phosphorus friction match by Alonzo Dwight Phillips of Springfield, Massachusetts |
October 28, 1793 | Eli Whitney applies for a patent on cotton gin |
October 30, 1894 | Domenico Melegatti obtains a patent for a procedure to be applied in industrial production of pandoro traditional Italian sweet yeast bread). |
November | |
November 3, 1620 | Great Patent granted to Plymouth Colony |
November 4, 1879 | Thomas Alva Edison filed a patent on electric lamp (US223898A) |
November 4, 1925 | C. F. Brannock filed a patent on Foot-measuring instrument |
November 5, 1895 | 1st US patent granted for auto (George B Selden) for gasoline driven car |
November 8, 1904 | Inventor and manufacturer Harvey Hubbell receives the first U.S. patent for a separable electric attachment plug |
November 8, 1910 | William H. Frost receives the first U.S. patent for an electrical insect destroyer |
November 9, 1942 | The first U.S. design patent for typefaces and borders was issued to George Bruce of New York City |
November 11, 1930 | Patent number US1781541 was awarded to Albert Einstein and Leó Szilárd for their invention, the Einstein refrigerator. |
November 14, 1904 | King C Gillette patents Gillette razor blade |
November 17, 1970 | Douglas Engelbart receives the patent for the first computer mouse. |
November 19, 1872 | E.D. Barbour of Boston is awarded the first U.S. patent for the first ‘calculator’, an adding machine capable of printing totals and subtotals |
November 22, 1927 | 1st snowmobile patent granted to Carl Eliason (Sayner Wisc) |
November 23, 1863 | Patent granted for a process of making color photographs |
November 25, 1715 | First English patent granted to an American, for processing corn |
November 25, 1867 | Alfred Nobel patents dynamite |
November 26, 1928 | Rohwedder Otto F filed a patent on Machine for slicing an entire loaf of bread at a single operation (US1867377A) |
November 26, 1982 | Marvin Glass & Associates filed a design patent for apple shape telephone (USD281686S) |
November 29, 1910 | The first US patent for inventing the traffic lights system is issued to Ernest Sirrine. |
November 30, 1880 | Thomas A Edison filed a design patent on incandescent electric lamp |
December | |
December 1, 1936 | EW Brundin & FF Lyon obtain patent on soilless culture of plants |
December 3, 1901 | King C Gillette filed a patent on Razor (US775134A) |
December 5, 1846 | C F Schoenbein obtains patent for cellulose nitrate explosive |
December 7, 1909 | Belgian-born Leo Baekeland, Yonkers, NY, patents 1st thermosetting plastic (Bakelite) |
December 13, 1816 | Patent for a dry dock issued to John Adamson, Boston |
December 15, 1593 | State of Holland grants patent on windmill with a crankshaft |
December 15, 1836 | Patent Office burns in Wash, DC |
December 20, 1938 | Vladimir K Zworykin (Penn) receives patent on Iconoscope TV system |
December 20, 2012 | Apple is denied a patent for mobile pinch-to-zoom gestures by the US patent authorities |
December 23, 1834 | Joseph Hansom of London receives patent for Hansom cabs |
December 24, 1889 | Daniel Stover & William Hance patent bicycle with back pedal brake |
December 26, 1922 | Carleton Ellis was issued the first American patent for an unsaturated polyester |
December 26, 1933 | FM radio patent granted to American engineer Edwin Howard Armstrong |
December 28, 1877 | John Stevens, applies for a patent for his flour rolling mill |
December 29, 1908 | Patent granted for a 4-wheel automobile brake, Clintonville, Wisc |
This list is intended for general informational purposes only, does not claim to cover all occurrences related to patents in the past and does not take into account the reader’s specific circumstances, and may not reflect the most current developments.
Citius Minds is a technical consulting firm based out of Chicago. We provide specialized patent analytics and litigation services to patent professionals across the globe. We are highly appreciated and loved by our clients for the following service offerings:
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