Whenever a Plaintiff decides to move forward with the patent litigation against targeted defendants, it becomes crucial that they form a consolidated strategy that will help them win patent litigation. The immediate and the most critical step after the filing of the patent litigation is to come up with the list of asserted claims and consolidated infringement contentions.
Citius Minds helps you in identifying the most critical claims to assert and formulating reliable infringement support. Our strength lies in the fact that our technical experts have closely worked with various counsels in helping them solidify the infringement theories and backing it up with requisite infringement evidence. We try to be as specific as possible in our assertions and accusations in listing down the accused products, device models, name of the process (if asserting against a method/process claim) – norms which are required by the U.S. Federal circuit courts, of course with some caveats. Our claim chart identifies each claim’s limitations, evidence of infringement against the claim limitation, whether direct or indirect infringement, a description of the operation of an indirect infringer that contributes to or is inducing that direct infringement. Our chart clearly reflects whether the assertion is literal or under the doctrine of equivalents and helps the plaintiff counsel to put the accused infringer on notice of what exactly is being accused on an element by element basis.